git config --global --list

List the global configuration settings for Git

This command displays a list of all the global Git configuration settings.

The --global flag specifies that the command should retrieve the global configuration values, rather than the repository-specific ones.

The --list flag instructs Git to output the configuration values in a list format.

This command is useful for checking the global settings that Git is currently using.

Some variations are:

  • git config --global --get <key>: Display the value of a specific configuration key.
  • git config --global --add <key> <value>: Add a new configuration key-value pair to the global Git configuration.
  • git config --global --unset <key>: Remove a configuration key from the global Git configuration.
  • git config --global --replace-all <key> <value>: Replace all values for a configuration key in the global Git configuration with a new value.

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