git add .
git blame <pathname>
git branch -D <branchname>
git branch -r
git branch -vv
git checkout -
git checkout --<pathname>
git checkout HEAD <pathname>
git cherry-pick <commitA>
git clone <repo_url> <local_repo_name>
git commit --amend -m <message>
git diff --stat
git diff <branchname1>..<branchname2>
git diff HEAD --stat
git diff HEAD HEAD^
git diff HEAD~ HEAD
git log --all -- <filepath>
git log --all --grep=<searchterm>
git log --oneline
git log --oneline --graph
git log ..<branchname>
git prune
git push <remote> <branchname>
git push origin -d <branchname>
git rebase <branchname>
git remote add origin <repo_url>
git reset -- <pathname>
git reset <commit>
git reset HEAD <pathname>
git revert <commit>
git show <commit>
git stash
git stash pop
git stash push -m <message>
git stash save <message>
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